Weighing Module SIWAREX FTA

Weighing module SIWAREX FTA
SIWAREX FTA is a calibratable and versatile weighing electronics for SIMATIC S7, C7 and PCS7. It can be used for automatic and non-automatic weighing, e.g. for the production of mixtures, filling, loading, monitoring and bagging. The SIWAREX FTA function module is integrated in SIMATIC S7/PCS7, and uses the features of this modern automation system, such as integral communication, diagnostics and configuration tools.
By setting a parameter in SIWAREX FTA, one of the following scale types can be activated:
NAWI (Non Automatic Weighing Instrument) conforming with OIML R76
For example: Hopper weighing, Fill level scale, Platform scale, Crane scale
AWI (Automatic Weighing Instrument) conforming with OIML R61
For example: Sacking system scale, Filling scale
Automatic Catchweighing Instrument conforming with OIML R51
For example: Single component scale for filling and emptying scales, Multi-component scale, Static control scale for weight measurement
Discontinue Totalizing Automatic Weighing Instrument conforming with OIML R107
For example: Emptying scale, Loading scale
The conditions for legal-for-trade applications with SIWAREX FTA you will find in the FQAs.
- -Uniform structure and universal communication through the integration in the SIMATIC S7 and SIMATIC PCS 7
- -Application in the decentralized system concept by connecting to PROFIBUS DP / PROFINET through ET 200M
- -Weight or force measurement to resolutions of 16 million parts
- -Precision of 3 x 6000 d, calibratable
- -Fast dosing with fast communication
- -Calibratable display with SIMATIC HMI Standard Operator Panels
- -Stepless or incremental dosage control
- -Exact dosage switching signals (< 1 msec)
- -Definable input and output parameters
- -Definable parameters for the most diverse of applications
- -Flexible adjustment for different requirements
- -Simple parameter definition with the SIWATOOL FTA program
- -Theoretical adjustment without adjustment weights
- -Modules can be exchanged without readjusting the scale
- -Scale progress recording/logging
- -Calibratable Alibi memory
- -Can be used for Ex-applications
Integration in automation system S7-400, PCS7, S7-300, C7, IM151-7 CPU | Via ET 200M, Direct integration in S7-300 |
Communication interfaces | SIMATIC S7 (P-Bus), RS485, RS 232, TTY |
EU type approval as non-automatic weighing machine, trade class III | 3 x 6000 d, ≥ 0,5 µV/e |
Calibratable | |
Internal resolution | 16 million parts |
Internal/external updating rate | 400/100 Hz |
Approvals | ATEX 95, FM, CULUS Haz.Loc. EU type approval (OIML R76) EU prototype test to MID (OIML R51, R61, R107) |